Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 3-24-2022
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
This is a tough month for our anglers not much to report except its slow and the fish won't bite. I did here of one angler landing a striper in the Chaparral area. While fishing from shore using anchovies in the 18 in range but outside of that the winds have kept all inside. We are starting to get some nicer weather, with this weather change we should get both anglers out there fishing and fish out there biting.
Up on Lake Mohave the wind has been brutal but hopefully with this brief break we will get some positive news from up on the lake also.
Our trout stocking season is just about over so for you trout anglers hope you are able to get out there and bring a limit of trout in before the planting of rainbow trout is over till October wish I had more to report but soon the fishing will be great. Thanks for all of your support see you in soon!
Now Go Catch a Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin
This is some great news we are getting a few stripers showing up. Our local anglers Leroy Morin Jr. and...... Read More
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - LaughlinWell again due to the wind I am guessing as not much going on that is as far as fishing our local waters. The calm days are brief and only a few seem to be getting out. I have been hearing of a few stripers in the 4-to-5-pound range up on lake Mohave but so far only a rumor. I know we are getting a rainbow trout stocking but again our wind has been keeping our anglers at bay. So...... Read More

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