Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty

As our weather heats up so does our fishing. I am not sure if its the water getting warmer so the fish are more aggressive or its our anglers have been waiting for these warmer days and they are more aggressive. Which ever its great fishing here along the shores of the Colorado river below the Davis Dam. I have been hearing of some anglers spotting and working a few striper boils up on Lake Mohave but no fish here as of yet so its a good story so far and hope to see some fish soon from the lake. the same for the marsh not much action as of yet. I have been watching some of the largemouth bass and they are just about done watching the fry so they will be a bit aggressive and hungry.

This brings us back to our shore line where the striper bite is going well. It’s mostly in the 1 to 6 pound range and a bunch in between. Our local angler Ronnie Charlton was fishing in the big bend area upper part and was able to bring in and share his catch a couple of his stripers were 3.72 pounds and 3.42 pounds at 21 and 7/8 inches and 21 and 5/8 inches. Bait of choice anchovies of course so the same goes for our local angler Mike Merritt with his limit of 10 fish he landed while fishing off of his 3 seater seadoo. These small boats can be great fishing vessels and can get anglers in some of our well know fishing holes. I have gotten word of some anglers having some luck in the rotary park area landing a few of the holdover trout. The Willow Beach hatchery did give us a bunch of fish this last season.

The rainbow trout are out there along the river is various spots it takes a bit to find those special holes where the trout tent to hold up then you might want to try your favorite spinner or your favorite bait such as night crawlers or power bait try different colors till you get that one to catch a fish.

 Hope this helps for now  and we look forward to seeing you into share that catch and your story but mostly thanks for all of your support Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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