Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

Lake Mohave the striper bite is picking up. Our local anglers Mark Agular and Muzz Pana landed a couple of stripers while fishing from shore. Their line sides weighed in at 6.36 pounds and 28 and 3/4 inches the other was 7.64 pounds and 29 and 3/8 inches and anchovies is the bait of choice. The coves were also producing a few and some smallmouth bass action along the shelves. The chatter bait jack hammer was working super for both largemouth and the smallmouth bass. Night crawlers were producing a few of the panfish at various coves. 

Below the Dam in the Willow Valley area Melissa Hussman landed a nice channel cat. She was fishing from shore using anchovies to land her 6.38 pound cat at 27 inches. Yep I had to get in on this photo showing this striper that our local angler Tony Smith brought in. What a great catch this striper weighed in at 32.06 pounds and was 48 and 3/8 in. tony and his girlfriend were out riding their jet skiis and had stopped at a beach for a few minutes. While looking out over the water Tony noticed his girlfriend had been pointing at a fish in the water. When he looked out and saw the fish tTony went over to some anglers that were fishing for smallmouth bass and he asked if he could use the pole there that had a glide bait on the line. The rest is history his site fishing and experience paid off and landed his biggest fish as of yet. I am hearing of limits of stripes in all up and down the river shore and or boat has been producing well. The stripers are ranging in size from about 1 pound on up. These stripers in the rainbow trout size are easy to prepare and can make some great fish fry's. 

Hope this helps some for now thanks for all of your support and we look forward seeing you in to share that catch and the story. Remember if you are not feeling well stay home and if you must go out wear the mask to protect us from you, thanks for your help.

Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Marina Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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