Luna Lake Fish Report for 6-3-2022
Arizona and Colorado collaborate to bring cutthroat trout to Luna Lake and Big Lake
Luna Lake - Alpine, AZ (Apache County)
by Arizona Game & Fish Department
AZGFD hatchery staff traveled to Colorado in early May to bring back 15,000 Snake River cutthroat trout from the Rifle Falls Fish Hatchery to be stocked in Luna Lake and Big Lake. This is the second year the hatchery program is stocking cutthroat trout from Colorado.
The trip included two extra days to visit and learn more about the operations of Colorado Parks and Wildlife fish hatcheries. AZGFD staff visited three of Colorado’s premier fish hatcheries in order to participate in and observe operations there and share ideas. They also assisted with one of the first spawns of the year of Colorado River cutthroat trout at the Glenwood Springs Fish Hatchery and then toured the Crystal River broodstock facility before heading back to Arizona with the load of the Snake River cutthroat trout.
AZGFD and Colorado Parks and Wildlife are also developing cross training opportunities for hatchery staff.
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Arizona Game & Fish Department Reports
for Friday, June 3rd, 2022
Woods Canyon Lake: Lake levels should be stable
Woodland Reservoir: Woodland Lake likely has holdover bass, sunfish, and catfish lurking
: Fishing has been excellent for trout
Dogtown Lake: The lake is full and the water clarity is good
Apache Lake: AZGFD partners with Iowa DNR to stock more than 1.5 million walleye sac fry at Apache, Canyon lakes
Lake Havasu: Angler catches 5-pound redear sunfish at Lake Havasu

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